deodorant foot spray Tag Archives

Footlogix- foot deodorant spray review

I try to take care of my feet….especially in the summer time when they are ‘exposed’ and in public more often.  When I say taking care of, I’m mainly referring to aesthetics however, I do tend to visit the podiatrist (that reminds me, I’ve got to schedule an appointment!)  One thing I am very ‘aware’ of  is foot odor and sweating.  I’m a huge fan of cooling sprays, gels, and foot powders.

I was sent Footlogix deodorant spray for review. 


The package says this:

This spray-on formula by Footlogix is specially designed to kill bacteria that causes foot odor. Containing tea tree oil and menthol, this product refreshes and neutralizes foot odors and leaves your skin feeling cool and fresh.

Sounds good right?

Directions:  Spray on all sides of washed, dry feet from about 4”-6” away. Air dry for 30 seconds.

I’ll be honest with you, I am not a fan of this product.  Does that mean you should not give it a try? Absolutely not! In my case, I have found that foot powders and gel based lotions work ‘best’ for me.  The product has a very strong smell...and while it’s not a terrible smell, I find it is a ‘consuming’ smell that will wrap its arms around you and hang on tight for awhile-especially if you are in a small space (don’t make the mistake of spraying it on your feet in your office with the door closed).   30 seconds for drying isn’t a terribly long time but if you are multi-tasking in the morning before work like me, I’m not sure where I could fit this into my routine-maybe during my 2 minute coffee gulp?  Maybe I should overhaul my foot care routine to try to fit this product into my rotation but for now, I’m going to stick to my foot powder that I’ve been using. For now, this product is with my husband-and I’ve had to say the same thing to him “It’s not spray and go, you have to wait 30 seconds.”

What’s up with your feet? Have any foot care tips/tricks you want to share?  Let me know!

*Thank you to NailPolish Canada for sending me this product for review*